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14 reasons to join a longer Outward Bound Canada course

Have you participated in one of our shorter courses and want to take your skills even further? Are you looking for an intense experience that will push you to your limits, expand your horizons and help you discover your true potential? Or, would you like to earn high school credits exploring the great outdoors instead of sitting in a classroom?

Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to outdoor activities, our 14-, 21- or 32-day courses are the perfect way to have an epic adventure this summer. Read on to learn 14 reasons why you should sign up for a longer course with Outward Bound Canada (OBC):

1. Earn high school credits: We offer students 15 or older the opportunity to earn high school credits upon successful completion of courses that are 15 days or longer. 

Image of an instructor trainer sitting next to a student and pointing at a map.

2. Build strong bonds with peers: Longer courses provide participants with more opportunities to connect with each other and build meaningful relationships. Sharing experiences and overcoming challenges together creates a stronger sense of community, support and camaraderie that last a lifetime.

3. Refine the skills you learned in previous courses: Imagine how much better your outdoor skills will be if you spend more time in the wilderness! Longer courses allow for more comprehensive skill development as participants have more time to master navigation, backcountry travel, and other outdoor skills.

4. Develop mental toughness: Longer courses offer unique challenges and more periods of discomfort that allow you to build resilience, mental toughness, and self-confidence that will help you throughout your life.

Image of a surfer

5. Get to know the real you: Our expeditions include a solo experience where participants spend up to 48 hours in a secluded spot where they set up shelter and take time for self-reflection. This is usually the most impactful part of the course, as you get the unique opportunity to be alone in nature. The longer the course, the more intense and impactful your solo experience will be.

6. Deep connection with nature: The more time we spend in the wilderness, the deeper our connection with nature and our appreciation for its beauty and power. Participants in longer courses have the opportunity to better explore and appreciate the natural environment and develop a stronger sense of environmental stewardship.

7. Create amazing memories and stories to tell: Longer expeditions mean more opportunities to create lasting memories as you share more experiences and challenges with your fellow adventurers. You’ll come home with a lifetime of memories and cool stories about your epic outdoor adventure.

8. Rock your college application: All these memories and stories won’t only be fun, but will also provide you with a lot of important experiences to mention in your personal statement for college admission. Universities value initiative and risk-taking, and welcome students who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and participate in activities that enhance their personal development – and that’s exactly what OBC offers its participants. But don’t take our word for it: that was said by a scholarship coach for Canadian high school students who encouraged her own son to participate in one of our longer adventures.

Group of people sitting on logs around a firepit9. Test your vocation and interests: Are you considering a career in the outdoors? Our longer courses are the perfect opportunity to test how comfortable you are in challenging outdoor situations and if that’s really what you want to do in the future. Then, if you like it, you’re ready for the next step: join the OBC Training Academy for Outdoor Professionals.

10. Develop your leadership skills: Longer courses provide more opportunities for participants to develop their leadership skills, both as individuals and as part of a team. You’ll have more time to make decisions, solve problems and communicate, and have the chance to take on more responsibility and leadership positions within the group.

11. Become more independent: By spending more time in the wilderness and being responsible for their own well-being, participants in longer courses have the opportunity to develop more independence and self-reliance.

12. Experience cultural diversity: Our courses welcome participants from all walks of life. This means that in longer courses, you’ll have more exposure to different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, with more opportunities to learn from each other and develop a broader understanding of the world.

Canoeing Ontario youth summer adventure

13. Detox from technology and social media:  Your phone will be safely stored in our office nearby while you are in the wilderness, and we promise you won’t miss it: You’ll be fully immersed in the OBC experience, connecting with yourself, others, and nature, and finding that you don’t need to look at your phone every other minute – or at all – to feel good about yourself.

14. Have even more fun and adventure: If seven-day courses
are already a blast, imagine how much fun and adventure you’ll have in 14, 21, or 32 days?! 

Our courses fill up fast, so waste no time:
Check out our longer course options and sign up today!